
NEW Album

P e t r i c h o r


BLOG FEATURE: Couvre x Chefs

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by TYPE: V

Rain. Dust. Earth. Leaves.

Loss. Rebirth. Hope.
Life is full of choices, connections, moments in time that will change us forever.
Fragmenting into shards of possibilities that cannot be recouped.

Life itself is a moment in time. Ever moving forward, whether one stops to think, or hurries the flow - pushed and pulled by the current.

It's near impossible to carve ones own path, or flow against the current. But together hand in hand, something different can occur.

The past cannot be changed, and time cannot be stopped, but what is collected, built and learned, and left behind on the way - may be even more valuable because of it.

Petrichor is the smell of rain. More accurately it's the smell of life, from the clouds, from the oceans, from the ground, meeting each other, crashing together to make that mist.

That life is spread into new soil. from the clouds, the oceans, the streams, evaporated from the lakes, the dewdrops, the canals, blood, sweat and tears.